
"My Big Fat Greek Wedding"

To me, the movie was quite funny and also interesting. The family was very lively and cheerful, but strict about religion. They are actually so unique for other people, but they don't notice and I found that it's the most funny thing about the movie.
I think it's a true story because religion is sometimes so important for some people. The movie was funny but if a couple can't get married just because of the religion problem, that would be so sad for them. I think it happens in today's modern times. For example, I've hard that Jewish can get married only with Jewish.
I thought the speech of her father was nice. I agree with the idea that even if they are not same kind of fruits, they are still fruits anyway. However, I thought that it's a bit strange that the main char actor's husband needed to change his religion after all.
If I were her, I wouldn't be able to stand the situation and will think like she did. I might be able to follow the rules, but I won't be willing to give up my boyfriend because of the religion or rules.



1.Since Japanese weddings are expensive, do you think having a massive wedding like Korea or UAE is a good idea?

Although I know that Japanese weddings are expensive, I prefer having a wedding here to having a massive wedding. I think it's worth for paying a lot of money since I want to make a special memory on the happy big day.

2. What do you think about eloping? Having a wedding in a foreign location like Hawaii?

I don't have strong opinion about eloping. It could be bad, but if they don't have any choice but eloping, they may need to do that. If I elope with someone, I don't think I will have a wedding in anywhere. Although having a wedding in a foreign location would be nice, I will just register our marriage with some paper works when I elope. If I get married officially, then I might be interested in having a wedding in a foreign location like Hawaii.

3.What is your ideal wedding?

I prefer kind of more casual wedding to traditional and rigidly formal one. Also it would be great if it has originality like having a little surprise. It should be nice sunny day so we can go outside and take pictures.

4.What would you definitely do, wear or go to on that big day? Why is that important?

Usually, brides change the dress three times in a Japanese style of wedding. They usually wear white dress, Japanese traditional dress(Kimono), and then another color dress(other than white). So, I would also do that. I don't know if it's important or not, but people would think that's natural so I just follow the usual way. I also will put up the candles on each table. I think it's good way to make a romantic mood. Well, I don't know much about weddings nowadays since it has been changing little by little from traditional weddings. So, I don't know what I can do in wedding. However, I think I will try to make our(me and my husband) wedding our style considering traditional style of weddings. I believe that's the most important thing for our wedding.

5. Have you ever been to a foreigner's wedding? What was your impression?

Unfortunately, I've never been to a foreigner's wedding.



Do you think it is important to talk about superstitions in cross culture communication class? Why?
Yes, I do think so because they sometimes show the customs in each countries. So, learning superstitions helps to learn about different culture and how to communicate with people in each countries. Besides, some of them are made for restrain some unpleasant actions for the culture, so if we don't know such kind of superstitions, we may break the rules that people keep unconsciously in the society.

・Is communication affected by superstitions?
I think it depends. As I said, it's important to know some superstitions to communicate with people in different countries so we can know their culture and follow their rules, but communication is not always affected by superstitions. That's because not all people believe in superstitions. If you were in foreign country and knew some superstitions of there, people in the country would be impressed. However, on the other hand, even if you didn't know any of them and did something that against superstition, people in the country still won't get upset but would understand since you are from another country and were brought up in different culture.

・Do you believe in superstitions? If yes, what superstitions do you believe?Why do you do, use, or believe in them?
I don't believe in superstitions in general. I sleep right after eating, when I sneeze, sometimes the superstition that says someone is talking about you comes up with my head, but I don't care. However, I do care when it comes to the superstitions which are related to "death." For example, passing food chopstick-to-chopstick, or sleeping with my head in north position. Although it still doesn't mean I believe in the superstitions, I just feel bad doing them since I often hear people saying the same things which are related to death.


Proburbs and Sayings about Time

1. Time is money.

It means that time is important as much as money. Since time is invaluable, we must not waste it, but we should treat it like money.

2. A stitch in time saves nine.

It means that if we did something in right time, we won't get into trouble so much. However if we procrastinate to solve the small problem, it could be worse and worse.

3.There's no time like the present.

It means any time is important, but now is the most important for you. Therefore, if you thought about doing anything, you should do it right now because now is the right time to do it.

4.Let's meet at 4. If I'm not there by 5, leave without me at 6, and I'll be here at 7.

I'm not sure about this. It's just saying to wait an hour after each established time.

They are proverbs/sayings that tell us the importance of time. They suggest that now is only for now, and our life is not forever, so you must not waste any time and any moment.

Finally, we have a proverb about time. It's "Isogaba Maware," Make haste slowly in English. It means that we'd better take a roundabout course than go the shortest way to avoid danger. Though we know the importance of time, we could get into trouble if we hurry. Going fast is not always give us success. That might sound easygoing, but it's actually wise way to live.