>1.Are feelings emotions and facial expressions universal across borders, happy, sad, etc..?
Most of them, but not all. Sometimes they are slightly different.
>2. Try to name as many feelings as possible in Japanese. ( 10 minimum)
Now write the English translation.3.
嬉しい 悲しい 怒り 失望 辛い 興奮 憂鬱 満足 疲れる 退屈
happy, glad, pleasure/sad, unhappy, srrowful/angery, mad/disappointed, despair/hard, painful/excited/depressed/satisfied/tired/bored
>Are there any feelings in Japanese that cannot be translated into English?
面倒くさい 切ない
5 件のコメント:
I think they are a little different too.
I think so too! Japanese is very shy, so American people looks expressive more than Japanese people.
I agree with you!!
Japanese are very shy. So, we can't them as American.
setunai... yea it is difficult.. it sometimes means sad, not always though..
Hellow, I think that めんどくさい is messy and 切ない is painful. In my opinion, ウザい is not easy to translate into English.